On the day of your appointment, please sign in at the outpatient surgery
接待处. 你会得到一个震动警报装置,它会提醒你
在接待区等候时轮到你. 这次会面将
take about one and a half hours, as there are a number of steps to complete.
这次约会没有必要禁食. 换句话说,就是吃
normally on the day of your appointment, unless otherwise told to do so.
Please sign in at the outpatient surgery 接待处 at the time you 是你的外科医生开的吗. 这就是你上学的地方 术前评估预约.
It is important that you shower or bathe before coming to the hospital. 请卸妆,包括指甲油. 请留下所有的首饰 包括结婚戒指和身体穿孔在家里.
穿宽松、舒适的衣服. 如果你的手术涉及到肩膀 or arm, a button-up shirt will be best, (this accommodates for an arm 吊索.松紧带裤和容易穿的鞋子是理想的选择.
带上一把梳子或梳子,还有一个装隐形眼镜的盒子. 联系人
在你做手术之前,假牙必须要摘下来. 带一个
做一个住院病人. 如果您的手术需要使用拐杖,请
If you did not attend the pre-op appointment, or were unable to bring your medication list or bottles of medications with you to the appointment, 手术当天请随身携带. 否则,离开 你在家的药.
Please do not bring cash, credit cards or other valuables, such as a watch 或其他珠宝. 佛罗里达大学健康全球正规博彩公司平台app不能对 这些物品的损失.
请将探视人数限制在每个病人两个人以内. 12岁以下的儿童应该这样做 不能被带到医院是为了保护他们.
Remember that if you are having outpatient surgery, you must arrange for 有人开车送你回家. 你至少有一段时间不能开车 手术后24小时.
You will be escorted to a pre-op room where you will change into a hospital gown and be given an allergy and ID bracelet to wear during your stay. Your clothes will be stored in a garment bag and placed in a locker in 你的房间. 请记住把贵重物品留在家里.
Your 护士 will take your blood pressure, pulse and temperature and will complete any special preparations ordered 由你的外科医生或麻醉师. An IV (intravenous catheter - a small catheter that goes into the vein to give you fluids and medications during surgery) will be inserted at 这一次.
You will then be escorted to the pre-op holding area, where you will meet the operating room team who will be with you during your surgery: the pre-op 护士, the anesthesiologist, the 护士 anesthetist and the surgical 护士. This team is all your patient advocates and will protect your privacy 以及整个过程中的安全需求. 为了你的安全,他们会的 问一些你可能已经回答过的问题. 你可能会觉得 these questions are repetitive and tiring but they are asked to ensure your safety as well as to provide the best care possible for you while 你在医院里. 在你被送进手术室之前, 你的外科医生会在你身上做手术的地方做个记号.
Your family and friends may wait in the surgical waiting room where they can check-in with the hospital volunteer or guest service specialist. Your surgeon or someone from the operating room will keep them informed 你的进步.
Please inform your family and friends that 佛罗里达大学健康全球正规博彩公司平台app is a non-smoking facility.
The hospital dining room is open seven days a week from 7 am - 6:30 pm for the comfort and convenience of your family and friends while they 在等待. Full meal service for breakfast is from 7 - 9:30 am; lunch is from 11 am - 1:30 pm; and dinner is from 4:30 - 6:30 pm.
Sandwiches, soups and snacks are available throughout the day between serving 在餐厅的自动售货机里计时. 餐厅 位于艾丽西亚大厦的一层.
The 佛罗里达大学健康全球正规博彩公司平台app Gift Shop is located in the main lobby on the first 主病人塔的楼层. 星期一、星期二、星期四开放 and Saturday from 9 am - 5 pm and Wednesday and Friday from 9 am - 8 pm. The Gift Shop is operated by the 佛罗里达大学健康全球正规博彩公司平台app Auxiliary and offers 各种各样的玩具、植物、珠宝、卡片和杂物.
The Outpatient Pharmacy is located on the first floor near the Gift Shop. 它的开放时间是周一至周五早上7:30至下午5点.
If you have any complaints or concerns, please contact the 病人 订婚 学系 904-819-4789.
探视时间可能会根据你的房间位置而有所不同. 请与 向你的护士询问更多信息.